Critically Acclaimed Film ‘The Problem of the Hero’ to Stream on Broadway HD

The critically acclaimed film, The Problem of the Hero, will be available on multiple streaming platforms, including Amazon, Apple, and Broadway HD this month. 

Set in 1941, the film explores the complex friendship of two famed 20th-century writers, renowned author Richard Wright and Pulitzer-Prize-winning playwright Paul Green, which hangs in the balance in a dispute over their Broadway script’s last page.

The award-winning film features J. Mardrice Henderson as Richard Wright and David zum Brunnen as Paul Green. Noted for its timely themes, it premiered at the Santa Fe Film Festival in February 2023. It was also selected for the RiverRun International Film Festival, the Harlem International Film Festival, and the Fargo Film Festival. 

 “We’ve seen this film resonate with viewers and encourage meaningful conversations about our country and our world today,” said Serena Ebhardt, Executive Producer at EbzB Productions. “We are thrilled to bring this important story to a broader audience.”

The Problem of the Hero holds a 100% “Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

For more information on the film, click here.

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