Live Chat with “He/She and Me” Playwright Sharon Mathis and JTP Star Janet Boudreau

Hear what Sharon Mathis (Playwright) and Janet Boudreau (Pat) have to say about the Justice Theater Project's film HE/SHE and ME and the relevance of the story to right now.

Sharon Mathis’ solo play about transgender marriage, He/She and Me premiered at The Academy Theatre, and traveled to fringe festivals, women’s work festivals, and psychology conferences. Janet Boudreau first played the role of Pat, a wife of 40 years facing her husband’s transition, during The Women’s Theatre Festival in Raleigh. She reprises the role for the Justice Theater Project film adaptation. Hear what Mathis and Boudreau have to say about this stunning love story, it’s relevance to right now, and reimagining the story for the screen.

The Justice Theater Project’s film is currently available to rent on Vimeo. For ticket information visit: